The Centralized Laboratory Support Core will enable researchers who do not have appropriate laboratory expertise or lab space and instrumentation to carry out virologic, immunologic, and microbiome/genomics studies. Our Core leaders have considerable experience and expertise in the design and execution of these types of studies and have highly trained staff. In addition, the Core will provide training and access to a BSL2+ tissue culture facility, a PCR clean facility, a mucosal tissues biorepository as well as state-of-the-art instrumentation. The Core will enable the expansion of translational research utilizing both newly collected and stored samples through collaborations with the Clinical Science Core and Translational Research on Substance Use SWG. The Core will also provide technical assistance to investigators working at International sites.

The Core is led by Dr. Dong Sung An with support from Core faculty member, Dr. Jennifer Fulcher; all are translational researchers based at UCLA. The Aims of the Core are: 

  1. Facilitate basic and translational HIV/AIDS research through comprehensive laboratory services to assess HIV-1 infection and immune responses.
  2. Provide expertise in the design, implementation, and analysis of studies examining HIV-1 and the microbiome, metabolome, or proteome.
  3. Support clinical research on HIV Prevention, Treatment, and ART-Free Remission through CAP/CLIA-certified laboratory services.
  4. Support and stimulate translational HIV/AIDS research by providing mentoring, training, and education programs in relevant laboratory techniques.

Core Leadership and Key Staff

Art Catapang

Art Catapang

Centralized Laboratory Support Core
Dong Sung An, MD, PhD

Dong Sung An, MD, PhD

Centralized Laboratory Support Core Humanized Mouse and Gene Therapy Core
Jennifer Fulcher

Jennifer Fulcher

Centralized Laboratory Support Core

Services Offered by the Core

The Centralized Laboratory Support Core aims to function as a single source for laboratory needs, which includes services previously provided by the virology core. In addition, we are always available for consultation to link researchers with specific laboratory resources and access to a variety of biospecimen banks (ACTG, etc). 

Virology Services Immunology & Mucosal Services
  • Provide de-identified human PBMC
  • Umbilical cord blood (CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells)
  • HIV RNA qRT-PCR (viral load)
  • HIV DNA qPCR (proviral load)
  • p24 ELISA
  • Virus titers
  • Quantitative viral outgrowth assay (QVOA)
  • Virus stock preparation (HIV and lentivirus vectors)
  • Single genome amplification
  • IncuCyte Zoom live cell imaging
  • Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)
  • BSL2+ tissue culture facility for use
  • PCR clean facility for use
  • 10X Genomics Chromium Controller
  • Multiplex cytokine/biomarker analysis (MesoScale) 
  • Multiplex cytokine/biomarker analysis (Luminex)
  • ELISA assays
  • Facilitate access to biorepositories 
  • Facilitate access to fresh mucosal tissues by providing tissues and/or protocols
  • Facilitate access to archived mucosal samples through the Core’s own repository of mucosal tissues
  • Mucosal mononuclear cell isolation from tissue 
  • Ex vivo HIV-1 infection assays
Microbiome & ‘Omics Services CAP/CLIA-certified Laboratory Services
  • DNA/RNA/protein extraction from samples
  • Targeted 16S rRNA gene sequencing (bacterial)
  • Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing (fungal)
  • Shotgun metagenomic sequencing
  • Virome isolation
  • Bioinformatics services
  • Facilitate referral for proteomics, metabolomics
  • Clinical PCR-based assays related to HIV, CMV, EBV, SARS-CoV-2
  • Clinical immunoassays related to HIV, CMV, EBV, SARS-CoV-2
  • Addition and validation of new assays based on user request


To request core services, please access form here.

Early-Stage Investigators are eligible to apply for core credit vouchers to utilize Core services or instrumentation at no cost for pilot projects. Please click here for more information.

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