NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements

(from $100,000 to $200,000 for a period of one or more years)

The NIH CFAR Program Office releases an annual call for NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements and/or NIH CFAR Special Supplements. These are grants in specific aspects of HIV research that are offered to all CFAR sites and are considered supplemental funding to the sites’ CFAR grant.

FY2024 Administrative Supplement. The purpose of this administrative supplement opportunity is to support inter-CFAR meetings that address key gaps in HIV/AIDS and will advance the field. This opportunity should build research capacity and be consistent with the recent NIH HIV/AIDS research priorities (NOT-OD-20-018).

Due by April 29, 2024.

If interested, please reach out via email to the UCLA-CDU CFAR for collaboration on the submission, as the application must be sent through the UCLA-CDU CFAR.


Recipients of the most recent CFAR Administrative Supplement

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Acknowledge the CFAR
Please acknowledge the UCLA-CDU CFAR for any assistance received from our cores (i.e. consultation, services, materials, access to equipment or space, training, or funding) and supported programs in your research publications, conference abstracts, grant proposals, and presentations.