Accepting Applications NOW!!
Applications are due on Monday, July 29, 2024 by 5pm (PST)
The Center for HIV, Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) is proud to announce our 2025 mentored pilot grant program for emerging and new investigators (ranging from Doctoral Students to Assistant Professors). Through this grant program, applicants will obtain individualized, mentored research from engaged and committed faculty mentor/sponsors while conducting a well-defined research project. The successful completion of the proposed mentored research project is expected to enhance emerging and new investigators’ potential to develop into productive, independent research scientists. We are committed to increasing the diversity of the health-related research workforce, and strongly encourage proposals led by individuals with backgrounds that are underrepresented in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research workforce, including underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, gender, and sexual minorities and those with disabilities.
Proposals must contribute towards CHIPTS scientific theme of addressing the intersection of HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention and mental health and/or substance use co-morbidities. We encourage submissions that specifically address social and structural determinants of health (e.g., housing insecurity, stigma, and racism), resiliency, and protective factors, and the intersection of HIV/AIDS with sexually transmitted infections, substance use and mental health disorder syndemics. Exploring HIV-related health outcomes (e.g., HIV testing; PrEP uptake, adherence, continuation; HIV care continuum), and the impact of disruptors – such as pandemics – on HIV prevention, substance use, and/or mental health services are also encouraged.
Proposals may budget up to $45,000 in direct costs with total costs not exceeding $56,700. Doctoral students are limited to a budget of up to $15,000 in direct costs with total costs not exceeding $18,900. UCLA’s indirect cost rate must be factored along with the applicant’s institutional indirect cost rate. Projects must be able to be completed within 12 months, and all funds must be spent by November 1, 2025.
It is anticipated that at least two awards will be made. Proposed projects may build on existing projects or secondary data analysis and be able to obtain IRB approval/exemption shortly after selection of funding. Investigators from any Southern California university, college, healthcare organization, or community-based organization (CBO) may apply but must work with a UCLA CHIPTS faculty mentor/sponsor on the proposal draft application prior to submission. Applicants needing assistance with linkage to a CHIPTS faculty mentor may contact Dr. Swendeman at dswendeman@mednet.ucla.edu.
Applications are due on Monday, July 29, 2024 by 5pm Pacific Time by email to Damilola Jolayemi (OJolayemi@mednet.ucla.edu). Please use email subject heading: [Application] 2025 CHIPTS Mentored Pilot Grant.
Download the complete call for proposals on the CHIPTS website. Notice of funding decisions will be made by Monday, October 7, 2024.
For questions about the pilot call, please contact:
Norweeta Milburn, PhD, Director of CHIPTS Development Core at nmilburn@mednet.ucla.edu
Dallas Swendeman, PhD, MPH, Co-Director of CHIPTS Development Core at dswendeman@mednet.ucla.edu
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