LaShonda Spencer, MD
Dr. Spencer brings her expertise in HIV management and experience implementing multiple clinical research protocols and implementation of evidence-based interventions in community settings. Dr. Spencer is Professor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine and is the Director of Drew CARES at CDU and Medical Director of MLK OASIS Clinic. She has over 18 years as an HIV clinician and site-PI or co-investigator on several IMPAACT network trials and investigator-initiated studies. She provided overall administration, coordination, and management of these projects. Currently as site-PI of a therapeutic trial examining timing of ART; a biomedical prevention study evaluating Lenacapavir; and a study evaluating the effectiveness of a navigation intervention to increase autonomy and health outcomes of Black/African Americans at risk for and living with HIV, she is aware of the importance of engaging disproportionately impacted communities in HIV research and the translation of research into clinical practice aimed to end the HIV epidemic. She has the experience, success, leadership, and support from her University to foster, develop and increase the number of unrepresented minority HIV researchers.
Scheduling Assistant: verbarobinson@cdrewu.edu