Kuraish Mubiru
Meet Kuraish Mubiru, a Universal SRHR-HIV Advocate and YPLHIV Leader aged 32 years. Kuraish is the Executive Director of Uganda Young Positives, a registered youth-led NGO of Young people living with HIV Mobilized and coordinated for action in scaling up prevention care and support services. Aspiring to ensure that YPLHIV become great leaders and change makers in their communities. Kuraish currently serves as the PLHIV representative on the country coordinating mechanism for the Global fund in Uganda (CCM BOD). Kuraish sits at the steering committee of community led monitoring (CLM) and formerly chaired the MenEngage Network. Kuraish Mubiru is: v A Records and Archive specialist by Profession v Health Communication Specialist v SRHR-Peace Building Advocate v Creative, Innovative, Task Driven with 9 Years’ experience in HIV programming, Gender and Health Communication.
Career: Kuraish started his career through dedicated voluntary work at Uganda Young Positives, an organization that promotes YPLHIV interventions while addressing key issues related to SRHR-HIV among young people in 2014, It gave him the ability to utilize all the capacity building opportunities availed to him during his days of voluntary work at UYP. Under the UYP ASK Program, He became the first winner of the Fight Stigma Award which opened his journey to becoming an advocate dedicated to create change he wanted to see in his community. Growing through the ranks and now the ED, Kuraish is a very passionate Young ADVOCATE fighting for the rights of Adolescent Girls and Young Women plus young men and boys especially in a time when change has become inevitable. Young people must be in position to ensure their voices are heard loud and clear in order for their needs to be met. AND THIS IS WHAT KURAISH STANDS FOR.