Jerome Zack, MS, PhD
Jerome Zack, MS, PhD (CFAR MPI and Administrative Core Co-Director). Dr. Zack brings his expertise in HIV pathogenesis, basic laboratory science and translational science and past experience as a CFAR Director for many years to the leadership group. Dr. Zack will serve as the Contact PI for the CFAR and will coordinate all direct contact with NIH officials. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, and Chair of the UCLA Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics. His current research is focused on several areas, including HIV pathogenesis in humanized mice (with emphasis on elimination of latent viral reservoirs), and the potential use of various types of human stem cells to genetically enhance the immune response against HIV and cancer.
Scheduling Assistant: Andy Bui andybui@mednet.ucla.edu