David P. Lee, MSW, MPH
Mr. David Lee currently serves as a co-Chair of the UCLA-CDU Global CFAR CAB. He is the the Clinic Director of the APLA Health Clinic located at CDU/MLK Medical Campus. Prior to joining APLA Health, David served as the Associate Director of the Drew Center for AIDS Research Education and Services (Drew CARES) at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science where he continues to serve as a member of the faculty. He previously lived in Lima, Peru, where he worked at Asociación Civil IMPACTA Salud y Educación, one of the largest HIV NGO’s in South America, coordinating U.S. government grant writing activities focusing on HIV research and training. There, he also served as a training advisor and mentor for international scholars. He is the past chair of the Washington State Governor’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS serving for nearly 11 years under 2 governors. He has served as a commissioner for the LA County Commission on HIV for 5 years, appointed by the LA County Board of Supervisors in 2017, serving briefly as chair. He is a licensed clinical social worker in the State of California and has provided clinical supervision for mental health professionals and has provided psychotherapy services in private practice in both Seattle and Long Beach, CA. Mr. Lee’s first experience with CABs was in 1996 as the coordinator for the AIDS Clinical Trials Unit CAB at the University of Washington, Seattle.