HIV Grand Rounds

The HIV Grand Rounds series, offered by UCLA-CDU CFAR, UCLA CHIPTS, and the UCLA AIDS Institute, consists of hour-long lunchtime lectures that are delivered by invited guests or distinguished members of the Institute faculty on a broad range of HIV-related topics.

The aims of the Grand Rounds series are to:

  • Share the latest research findings on HIV prevention, care, and treatment, and highlight important developments in HIV-related research.
  • Encourage scientific collaborations and networking between UCLA investigators and invited speakers.
  • Excite an interest in HIV/AIDS research for early career investigators, and provide resources about new research findings, funding, and career opportunities.

For more information regarding the HIV Grand Rounds, please contact Rina Lee-Cha at


11:00am- 12:00pm
CHS 13-105

Sunil Suhas Solomon, MBBS, PhD, MPH
Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

“A Two Decade Journey with People who Inject Drugs: Lessons from Back to the Future”


In-person Details:
Venue: CHS 13-105 (UCLA)
A light lunch will be provided with RSVP

Virtual Information:
Once you REGISTER, you will be e-mailed a Zoom Link

You can also call in using:
Phone: +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 957 4522 8613


“Social network-based, peer-led HIV self-testing as a strategy to improve HIV testing uptake and linkage to HIV care among men in fishing community settings: experiences from Uganda”

Presented by:
Dr. Joseph Matovu
Senior Research Associate at Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides: Please click HERE

“Bridging the Gap: Cell and Gene Therapies for Latent HIV Infection and Other Low-Antigen Diseases”

Presented by:
Dr. Christopher W. Peterson
Assistant Professor, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides: Please click HERE

“Identification of Cellular Immune Vulnerabilities of AIDS Causing Lentiviruses in Rhesus Macaques””

Presented by:
Dr. Louis J. Picker
Professor and Associate Director, Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute
at Oregon Health and Science University

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides: Please click HERE

“Using Intensive Longitudinal Measurement to Identify Intervention Targets to Improve Mental and Sexual Health and Reduce Substance Use Invulnerable Populations”

Presented by:
Dr. Patrick A. Wilson
Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, UCLA

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides: Please click HERE

“Optimizing PrEP Uptake Among Youth in Los Angeles and New Orleans via Telehealth Coaching, Online Peer Support and Automated Texting: Results from ATN 149″
Presented by:
Dr. Dallas Swendeman
Professor-in-Residence, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
Development Core Co-Director
Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides: PLEASE CLICK HERE

“HIV Epidemiology and Prevention with Transgender Men and Transmasculine People”
Presented by:
Dr. Sari L. Reisner
Director of Transgender Health
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Fenway Health

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides: coming soon

“A Behavioral Science Agenda for HIV Therapeutics”
Presented by:
Dr. Jane Simoni
Professor and Director of Clinical Training
Department of Psychology, University of Washington (UW)
Director, UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV (BIRCH)
Co-Director, UW/Fred Hutch CFAR

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides, please click HERE

“SARS-CoV-2 variants evolve convergent strategies to remodel the host response”

Presented by:
Dr. Mehdi Bouhaddou
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics (MIMG)
Member, Quantitative and Computational Biosciences Institute (QCBio)
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Event Flyer, please click HERE

“Challenges of Researching Latina/os and Community-based Participatory Research Approach as a Response to Those Challenges.”

Presented by:
Dr. Maria Cecilia Zea
Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, George Washington University
Founding Director, GWU Latino Health Research Center
Co-Director, Social and Behavioral Science Core, District of Columbia Center for AIDS

Event Flyer, please click HERE
Presentation Slides, please click HERE

“Social immiseration, changing drug use patterns and HIV risk among community-recruited people who inject drugs in Denver, Colorado and Los Angeles and San Francisco, California”

Presented by:
Dr. Ricky N. Bluthenthal
Professor, Vice Chair for DEI, and Associate Dean for Social Justice
Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California

Event Flyer:  Please click HERE
Presentation: Please click HERE (PDF)
Question & Answer: N/A

Towards a COVID-19 vaccine to protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants and animal sarbecoviruses without updating

Presented by: Pamela Bjorkman, PhD:

  • David Baltimore Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering; Merkin Institute; Professor, Caltech

Event Flyer: Towards a COVID-19 vaccine to protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants and animal sarbecoviruses without updating (Flyer)

Presentation: Towards a COVID-19 vaccine to protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants and animal sarbecoviruses without updating (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


Making a Difference in Health: Focus on the Environment, Not Only the Individual

Presented by: Marguerita Lightfoot, PhD:

  • Professor and Associate Dean of Research, Oregon Health and Science University – Portland State University School of Public Health.

Event Flyer: Making a Difference in Health: Focus on the Environment, Not Only the Individual

Presentation: Making a Difference in Health: Focus on the Environment, Not Only the Individual (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


Beyond Research for Research Sake: Centering Equity and Community Engagement to Advance HIV Research

Presented by:

Sannisha K. Dale, PhD, EdM:

  • Associate Professor with Tenure in Psychology, University of Miami
  • Director and Founder, SHINE Research Program
  • Co-Director, MPI, Change

Event Flyer: Beyond Research for Research Sake: Centering Equity and Community Engagement to Advance HIV Research (Flyer)

Presentation: Beyond Research for Research Sake: Centering Equity and Community Engagement to Advance HIV Research (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


ETR’s Health Equity Framework: From Reflection to Integration and Action for HIV Research

Presented by:

Dr. Ifeoma C. Udoh:

  • Senior Research Scientist, Education, Training, and Resource (ETR)

Event Flyer: ETR’s Health Equity Framework: From Reflection to Integration and Action for HIV Research (Flyer)

Presentation: ETR’s Health Equity Framework: From Reflection to Integration and Action for HIV Research (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


Regenerating T Cell Immunity

Presented by:

David T. Scadden, MD:

  • Gerald and Darlene Jordan Professor of Medicine, Harvard University

Event Flyer: Regenerating T Cell Immunity (Flyer)

Question & Answer: N/A


People Aging With HIV In The US: A Simulation Modeling Approach

Presented by:

Emily Hyle, MD, MSc, DTMH:

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Assistant Physician, Infectious Disease Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital

Event Flyer: People Aging with HIV in the US: A Simulation Modeling Approach (Flyer)

Presentation: People Aging With HIV In The US: A Simulation Modeling Approach (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


Environmental Justice and Women’s Reproductive Health

Presented by:

Tamarra James-Todd, PhD, MPH:

  • Mark and Catherine Winkler Associate Professor of Environmental Reproductive Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of PH
  • Instructor, Department of Medicine, Harvard T.H. Chan School of PH

Event Flyer: Environmental Justice and Women’s Reproductive Health 

Presentation: For a copy of the slides contact

Question & Answer: N/A



The Politics of Epidemiologic Risk Data in Global HIV Prevention Science

Presented by:

Amaya Perez-Brumer, PhD, MSc:

  • Assistant Professor, Division of Social and Behavioural Health Sciences, University of Toronto

Event Flyer: The Politics of Epidemiologic Risk Data in Global HIV Prevention Science

Presentation: For a copy of the slides contact

Featured Article: The wisdom of mistrust: qualitative insights from transgender women who participated in PrEP research in Lima, Peru

Question & Answer: N/A


Getting to Zero, San Francisco: Successes, Challenges, and Future Strategies

Presented by:

Susan Buchbinder, MD

  • Clinical Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, UCSF
  • Director- Bridge HIV, San Francisco Department of Public Health
  • Attending Physician General Medical Clinic, San Francisco General Hospital

Event Flyer: Getting to Zero San Francisco – Successes, Challenges and Future Strategies. (Flyer)

Presentation: Getting to Zero, San Francisco: Successes, Challenges, and Future Strategies (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


The Enemy of My Enemy: Bacteriophage Therapy to Treat Multi-drug Resistant Bacterial Infections

Presented by:

Steffanie A. Strathdee, PhD:

  • Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences, UC San Diego
  • Professor and Harold Simon Chair, Department of Medicine, UC San Diego
  • Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Health Sciences

Robert T. Schooley, M.D.:

  • Senior Director, International Initiatives, UC San Diego
  • Co-Director, Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapy
  • Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health, UC San Diego

Event Flyer: The Enemy of My Enemy: Bacteriophage Therapy to Treat Multi-drug Resistant Bacterial Infections (Flyer)

Presentation: The Enemy of My Enemy: Bacteriophage Therapy to Treat Multi-drug Resistant Bacterial Infections (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


Innovations in Digital Health Strategies for Engaging Youth in HIV Treatment and Prevention

Presented by Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH:

  • Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, University of N. Carolina
  • Professor, Dept. of Health Behavior, University of N. Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health

Event Flyer: Innovations in Digital Health Strategies for Engaging Youth in HIV Treatment and Prevention (Flyer)

Presentation: Innovations in Digital Health Strategies for Engaging Youth in HIV Treatment and Prevention (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


Disentangling the Role of Networks in the Transmission of HIV and Hepatitis C Virus among People Who Inject Drugs

Presented by Sunil S. Solomon, MBBS, PhD, MPH:

  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
  • Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, MD
  • Chairman, YR Gaitonde Medical Educational and Research Foundation/ Chennai, India

Event Flyer: Disentangling the Role of Networks in the Transmission of HIV and HCV among PWID (Flyer)

Presentation: Disentangling the Role of Networks in the Transmission of HIV and HCV among PWID (Slides)

Question & Answer: N/A


Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for HIV PrEP: What We Know and What We Need To Know

Presented by Raphael J. Landovitz, MD, MSc:

  • Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, UCLA DGSOM
  • Co-Director, UCLA Center for Clinical AIDS Research and Education
  • Co-Director, UCLA Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services

Event Flyer: Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for HIV PrEP (Flyer)

Presentation: Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for HIV PrEP (Slides)

Question & Answer: Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for HIV PrEP (Q&A Session)
